Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mommy Time!

I'm back. After a long absence in order to complete my schoolwork as well as everything else crazy in my life, I have returned for another post. And you might be happy to know that I received A's in both of my classes. I am actually posting right now because it is freezing cold and gloomy outside (it snowed overnight, believe it or not!), and I can't muster the energy to do the housework I know I should be doing. So, I'll get to it later. =)
Things are going well here. As you can see from the picture (and my flickr account), Iris is reaching some milestones. Yesterday, she sat up on her own! However, I still can't leave her alone for very long, as her balance is not terrific. She also started on solid food, which has been an adventure in and of itself. Iris, with all of her independence and strong will, is not the most patient baby. When she's hungry, she's hungry NOW. And you can't get the food in her mouth fast enough. Of course, being on the independent side, she is also trying to feed herself. Her grabs at the spoon typically result in food all over her hands, and she doesn't seem to understand yet that sucking on the spoon doesn't release more food. Oh yes, and then there are the raspberries, which always seem to come when her mouth is full of food. Hmmm. . .I wonder if this is deliberate.
I'm not feeling particularly poetic at the moment, so I'm afraid this post will be rather short. But for all of you who are on Facebook, I now have a profile, so look me up! Sorry, Christina, but I couldn't do myspace. Facebook is more my speed.
In other news, we are planning a trip to the East Coast this summer. Chip and April, welcome back to the States. We're glad you're closer now, for more reasons than simply that we can come and visit you more easily. =)
Happy, um, snow day, everyone!