Friday, January 09, 2009

The Small Insanities of Pregnancy

Pregnancy comes with more than its share of brain-dead moments, much to the delight of my husband, who loves to recount my various befuddlements and mishaps. Up until this point, I have considered it something of a triumph to have thus far escaped tragic and brainless happenings during this pregnancy. My car has escaped unscathed, I have only left my paid-for groceries in the store once, and I leave my purse in the car while shopping once every week or so--a big improvement over the last time. Until today. I suppose each pregnancy has to have its "crazy" story, and our soon-to-arrive little one is responsible for this one.
I had just left the library with my stack of books and a somewhat grumpy Iris. I went through the normal routine of putting her in her carseat, fastening all of the little latches and buckles. Iris put on her usual act of crabbiness at getting strapped in, a tradition that we go through ever single car ride, so I grabbed whatever entertaining thing I could find close at hand: my keys. Iris has always loved my keys, especially since she learned to honk the car with the little buttons. With the little squirrel finally strapped in securely, I attempted to take back the bribe. She was having none of it. So, I thought, I'll go around to the driver's side and have her give me the keys once I get in--she's usually more compliant if I ask for things then. I closed her door, and as I began to walk to the driver's side, I heard it: "Click, HONK!" She had locked herself in.
I couldn't believe I had done it. How could I have given her the means to lock herself in the car, knowing that she loves to push the lock button? I started pacing back and forth, thinking of what to do, almost in tears--not from worry, but from extreme embarrassment. In fact, I wasn't worried at all--Josh works two blocks from the library, and Iris was perfectly happy, ecstatic even, with what she had done. As she sat there repeatedly honking the car and giving great belly-laughs every time I looked at her, the woman in the car next to me took pity. She lent me her cell phone so that I wouldn't have to call from inside the library, but as I talked to Josh and asked him to rescue me, he began laughing so hard that I could barely tell him where we were. After waiting five or so minutes for him to unlock the car, standing in the parking lot like an idiot while my toddler repeatedly honked the car and laughed hysterically at me, Josh arrived and informed me of my entertainment value to his coworkers. "It was perfect, they all really needed a laugh," he informed me. It's great to know that my embarrassment provided some with a bright spot in their day.
So there is my story for this pregnancy. At least it isn't as apparent and permanent as the dent in the truck from my pregnancy with Iris. But what would this lovely nine-month season be without it's little moments of insanity--and giving others great stories to tease you for later?