Friday, July 31, 2009

Five Things on a Friday

I've decided to take a page out of the blog of Cynthia Lord, and combine it with a page from The Short Years. I'm making a quick recap of highlights of my week, hopefully a Friday tradition from now on.
1. Linnea had her four-month doctor appointment yesterday! I can't believe she's that old already--it seems like forever and just yesterday all at the same time. She weighed in at 13lbs. 9.5 oz, and is now 24 inches long. I think she's catching up with Scott and Melody's one-month-old, Liam, now! Among other topics, we discussed starting solid food in a month! How is it possible? Not that I'm objecting, or anything. =)
2. We are in the midst of potty-training with Iris. It's going very well, actually. But I haven't purchased training pants yet, because they're so expensive! At $13 a piece (and I figure that I'll need 5), it's a pretty hefty bill. This is the whole reason you have more than one child, right? To get more use out of all the expensive baby paraphernalia!
3. I finished a book this week. That may not sound like much to write about, but I've been working on The Secret River since before Linnea was born. It was phenomenal! Amazing writing, great story, and even though I usually have a difficult time with Australian fiction, it has to be one of my favorites! Now on to The Time Traveler's Wife. Any bets on whether I'll finish it before the movie comes out on the 14th?
4. We met with my brother last night to discuss logos for our new business. It's an exciting step for us, but difficult to decide for certain what we are looking for. I came up with a great idea (yay, me!), so we'll see what the mock-ups look like in a couple of weeks!
5. I made homemade yogurt for the first time this week! It was such an amazing thing to realize that it's possible to do it on your own--no magic involved! It didn't get Iris-approval until I mixed it with some homemade blueberry jam, but all in all, it's going to save me a fortune on yogurt. Normally, we get YoBaby! for $4 for 6-1/2 cup servings. My batch made 8 cups with half a gallon of milk (even with the expensive Lochmead stuff, this is about $2). Hooray!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Positives and Negatives

As I am sure that you have noticed, if you follow my blog with any sort of regularity, that I have been especially negligent about writing since Linnea was born. I can blame this on the kids all I want, but the truth of the matter is that I haven't made time for writing. During the last couple of days, however, I have stumbled upon some truly inspirational blogs, and so, for the present moment, I am determined to once again keep up.
Things have been challenging around here lately, as Iris has prematurely entered her twos. Every question is always answered with an emphatic "no!", whether she actually wants the option she is given or not. Lately, "bye-bye" has replaced "no" as a surer sign of her negative feelings. Lately this phrase has encroached on things that most of us wouldn't think of leaving behind. The other day she hit her head on the crib. She kept repeating "bonkers, head" until I acknowledged that she had hurt her head, at which point she said, "bye-bye, head". That would be a tough one. This morning I told her that we should put pigtails in her hair because it would be cute. She responded, "bye-bye cute!" She may not care about looking cute, but look who won the pigtails debate!

Linnea, on the other hand, has been growing ever more positive. Right now she is contented to lay right beside me giving me happy little growls. As I seem to have the active ones, she loves jumping. We discovered this when she started to laugh hysterically at Iris' jumping. So we tried it with her--success! Sometimes I think Linnea's smiles are what get me through the days right now.
One reason I haven't been writing much lately is because summer has turned me into a domestic goddess. Not that you could tell by my perpetually messy house, but hey, we goddesses have more creative things to do than clean houses! This year I have entered into the full swing of summer's bounty and gone out picking every type of fruit I can find. This has loaded me down with several pounds of strawberries and blueberries that I then have had to figure out how to use. Luckily, my ambition has lead me to create jams, shortcakes, fruit leather, and muffins, which will all hopefully last until next summer. I think by then I will have learned that I actually need to pick a lot more next year!
My domestication this year has also led to the beginning of a small photography business. Don't get me wrong--you wouldn't want me behind the camera. Being a non-techy person, I hate all the details involved with good picture-taking. But Josh loves it, and I have a pretty good eye for posing and composition. And so, we are launching Caffeinated Nerd Photography. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.
So, that's it for catching up with summer! We'll see how it goes from here on out! And I will leave you with a video of giggles from my happy one!