Thursday, June 15, 2006

My new project

A new project has rather dropped in my lap today. I've decided to create a review of children's books in an effort to increase parents' ability to be involved in their children's learning process, as well as to know what their children are reading. Thus, for a time this blog will be devoted to books--a perfect reflection of me! From my work in a bookstore, and through my studies in my senior seminar, it has become painfully apparent that most parents have little or no idea what their children are reading--not only what is assigned in school, but also what kids are reading on their own. Parents make the mistake quite frequently of only monitoring scholastic reading rather than discretionary, and this is where the danger lies. I am a firm opponent to censorship, but I believe that a responsible parent knows what his or her children are putting into their heads.
Along the same lines, there are many books that are contested and challenged out there (as nothing is ever banned, since banning books is against the first amendment) that are actually very good for children, and these books need an advocate--namely, me. My goal is not to influence anyone's opinion about the books I review, but rather to help parents and perhaps teachers and conscientious kids make educated, informed decisions about children's literature. This is perhaps one of the most misunderstood areas of literature out there, while also the most crucial, and thus it has become my passion. What can I say, I root for the underdog! The writing in children's literature may be more simplistic than many adult books (and actually, some are quite beautiful in their language), but the messages are not. The information and imagination contained between the pages of the best of these are very important for children in allowing their minds to grow, and in raising children who are able to think for themselves.
I plan to begin with children's books that I have read (which will take awhile just at that), and make an attempt to first cover award winners and popular books, as well as those commonly taught in the classroom, in an effort to make my site as helpful as possible. I want to give an objective look at the books I review, but also contain a sidebar with my own personal opinion, so that those who know me and trust my discretion may be able to make decisions based on my input. Again, my effort is not in censorship. Going to high school with a librarian who went through every book and crossed out the swear words--in classic literature, no less--incensed me and made me realize that there must be a better way than to either censor things or than to read until I found something objectionable. I hope this site helps, and I hope that through it we can raise a generation of children who we are unafraid to allow to read great books, a generation of great writers and thinkers that can give us hope for the future.

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