Monday, June 04, 2007

It's a Girl!

Well, as you may or may not know, we went in for our 20 week ultrasound on Friday. Normally, I would have posted a blog immediately, but, as we were in the middle of moving (busy day!), I haven't had a chance until now. So, here she is! The first picture is of her face (beautiful already!), and the second is a profile shot. I have to say, this came as a bit of a surprise for us! We really thought that we were having a boy! But it is a wonderfully sweet surprise--girls are so much more fun to prepare for! All the sweet dresses and girly things! Anyway, we're still thinking about names, and have some that we really like, but since everyone knows she's a girl now, maybe we should at least keep the name secret! =)
We moved into our house this weekend, and absolutely love it! It's in a wonderful, quiet neighborhood, with an enormous back yard! We're still in lots of boxes, and our young married's group is meeting here tonight, but we're having fun with it. So many plans, and this time, we're hoping to stay for a long time. There's plenty of room for expansion, so we hope to keep this house for several years.
So life is great for us right now, and we both feel like the world is our oyster! God has really blessed our little family (with a little girl coming soon!!!!!!)!

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