Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Snow days

At long last, the snow that we have been promised arrived. Not that we haven't had any yet, but it didn't last for long. After waking up to white, the disappointment of green by the afternoon is strong. That's what it has been like all week. Last Thursday it began to snow in the afternoon, giving us nice drifts to walk around in and catch snowflakes. That lasted partway into Friday, when it melted off. Then again this week, we have woken up to snow every day--three in a row so far, and expecting it again tomorrow. But as I sit here writing, I'm watching the big drips fall from our roof and the trees, telling me that again it will not last. Oh well. I guess it's at least enough to feel like winter!
It feels like it's been forever since I last wrote anything. This is mostly because of our crazy schedule. Along with classes, I've had everything else that I've been trying to keep up with. On top of my workload, Josh has been working night and day--evenings, and all weekend--on a project at work that is extremely frustrating. On the upside, we found out yesterday that he is being rewarded with a bonus and a raise. Yay! But all this time trying to achieve our separate goals has been difficult. I'm looking forward to Spring Break!
Iris is constantly amazing us. I know they say that it doesn't matter in the long run how soon a baby reaches the milestones, but I can be proud of her advanced progress anyway! After all, we already know she's a genius (whoa, I almost spelled that wrong!) =). As Josh says, after a growth spurt, her motor skill seem to improve exponentially. Last Thursday she rolled from her back to her stomach! The average age for that is five months--I think we're in trouble! We also caught her playing with a spinny ball in her excersaucer. She often accidentally brushed it, but when I heard the balls rattling around repeatedly, I looked to find her looking directly at it and spinning it deliberately. It kept her entertained for about half and hour. Luckily we finally got tapes for our video camera, so we're having lots of fun recording all of her antics. When we figure out how to rewind without later taping over pieces, I'll try to post some video.
Well, trying to get some work done, so I'd better stop. But I just wanted to say to you, wherever you are (yes, even you, Grandma Miller, in southern California), happy snow days!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A time of growth

Well, I haven't been too good the past couple of weeks about updating the blog, but it's been a couple of weeks of complete craziness. Someone needs to remind me how much work I put into school (even when it's not necessary). Add to that a three-month-old (who has been going through a major growth spurt and giving me very little sleep), a house always in need of cleaning, a job that doesn't pay, and trying to get time for at least a few little jobs that do, combined with all my old obligations, and I'm exhausted.
However, even in the midst of this chaos, there have been some bright spots. We had snow a couple of days in the past three weeks, we took our first family vacation together, and Josh and I got to go out with the intention of going skiing yesterday. We headed up to Hoodoo to go x-country skiing (I used to go a lot as a kid, but it's a new found sport for Josh; we both love it), Mom and Dad had Iris for the day. However, after driving on a sheet of ice for a long time (I love my car, by the way), we got up the mountain only to find that it was just as windy there as it was in the valley. However, add snow to the mix and it can be miserable. So instead, we stopped at Potato Hill, slid down a couple of hills (next time, I think we should bring a sled!), and then came back through Eugene. Even though we didn't get the skiing we wanted, we did get a day spent together!
Last weekend was our first family vacation. Josh and I have both been craving a trip to the coast, so we stayed in a little vacation rental on Cannon Beach. I have to say, vacations are a much different thing with a baby! We even had to come back to the house for a long nap one afternoon. =) While Josh's and my mentality when it comes to vacations is go see do be, and explore as much as possible, we found that we have to adjust our expectations a little with Iris along. But it was fun, and we're learning how to travel with a family, and how to raise travel-friendly kids. So, on that note, Chip and April, we need to talk to you about D.C. this summer. =)
Well, off to try to get some more of my crazy workload done! Oh, I finally put together a flickr account, so if you want to see lots of pictures of Iris, please visit flickr. Now you can see those Christmas pictures I've been so negligent about! Also, I will try to put the link in the sidebar, so you can visit and see updates whenever you like!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

School again?

Yes, it's true. I'm going back to school on Monday. Funny, it's as though six years of trying to finish a four-year degree taught me nothing. After headaches from transferring credits, paying tons of money (though now I am appreciating California education prices), getting good grades, trying to convince the California education system that I really had taken a Writing Intensive class (hence, the name Writing Intensive on said class) and shouldn't have to take their writing assessment as this is rather lost on an English major, and all the other school-related issues, I am again setting foot in that rushing river we call college. Let's hope I don't drown.
I tried to get my student ID card for the third time today, and finally they were open. Hard as it is to go on campus with Iris, I've been rather bitter toward them. I tried to get my card during finals week, when they informed me that they were not issuing them until the 10th of December. Needless to day, I didn't have much of a chance to make it over there, but tried again on December 31st. But, just to make sure, I called to find out if they were indeed open. All I got was a busy signal, then an answering machine. However, there was nothing odd posted online, so I headed over. I walked into the administration building, and every department was open. Good sign, right? Well, every department except for the ID center. But, third time's a charm, and we got in today.
As I was getting my picture taken (today was, of course, the only one of the three days that I didn't have time to do my hair or makeup--this picture will haunt me for the next four years!), the lady working asked me how old my then-sleeping baby was. I replies, "two and a half months." She then said, "Wow! And you're going back to school? You're so. . .so. . .what's the word I'm looking for?" "Crazy?" I supplied. She then assured me that the word she was looking for was more along the lines of ambitious. I still think crazy is correct.
We then went down to the bookstore and purchased a notebook and textbook, and so now I feel rather studious. And crazy. Talking with some friends the other night, I realized just how much work this is going to be--two years of classes to get into the program, two years to a master's degree. And then, that's not all of it. If I want to go on to get my doctorate later as I am planning to, I have to get a separate master's degree (mine will be in Teaching, a special category, rather than Education, which I plan to get my doctorate in). It's really a good thing that I like school!
Here is a little bonus, if I did it right (I'm rather technologically challenged). This is a video clip of Iris dancing in the mirror. If you turn the sound up, you can hear her little squeaks, and when she gets really wiggly at the end, that's all her. Sorry for the graininess--we took it with my little camera's video setting.