Friday, April 11, 2008

It's a Dog-Eat-Dog World!

Or, at least, a dog-chase-dog-around-the-house-while-baby-is-sleeping, or dog-bark-at-every-little-sound world. This has been the life that Iris and I have lived for the past week. Oscar, my parents' little miniature dachshund, has been visiting, and just went home last night. While I like Oscar (I can tolerate him much more than any other little dog I've ever known), he consistently reminds me that I'm not ready for a puppy. Before Iris was born, Josh gave me permission to get a puppy. I have my heart set on a Weimaraner, or a German Shepherd. However, he though it advisable to wait until after Iris was born, to see how much work I wanted to take on. He was right (oh, crud, don't let him hear me say that! He'll never let it go!). Oscar is two or three, and I'm frazzled by the end of the day with him. Not only does he have little-dog-syndrome and barks at everything, but he has unlimited energy, and picks fights with those he shouldn't. And in the end, he cuddles up to you, completely innocent. Iris, of course, loved having Oscar around. She is a dog-lover from the start, and now she had two dogs to grab the ears of instead of just one. I just will never figure out why, when Oscar licks her face, she sticks out her tongue to meet him!
The illness is starting to pass from our house (as long as Josh doesn't come down with it now!). Thank goodness for the warm weather that is promised. It had better come, as Iris and I are dressed for weather warmer than even predicted. I'm ready to thaw out! Though I've hated Iris' cold, and it has scared me a few times (her first illness), there have been some upsides. She has become unusually cuddly, burying her nose into me and only me. Of course, this means that she accessorizes many of my outfits with a lovely snot trail, and when I have bare shoulders like today, they get covered in very painful hickeys. Someone needs to capture the suction power of babies and market it to vacuum cleaner companies!
I have used my new spare time (during naps and such) to do a few worthwhile activities, such as drowning hours into Facebook and Shelfari, measuring people's love for me by whether or not they had time to post messages. Wow, I never thought I'd be drawn into that crowd, but here I am, hopelessly stuck. So if you also happen to be on either of these websites and I haven't found you yet, please feed my addiction and look me up. =) Actually, the irony is that Shelfari is a book networking site, where you list all of your books and meet others with the same taste. But this same bibliophile site has pulled me away from several hours in which I could be reading. Hmm. . . I did join a 5o book challenge, so I'd better get on that. Iris is down for a nap--happy reading!!

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