Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Work! (finally)

I finally had my first day of work today! (For those of you who don't know--or if I didn't mention it earlier on my blog, I'm a substitute Educational Assistant, though I haven't had any jobs before today.) It was really quite exciting--I literally had to hit the ground running. The time that I was told that the job started was the time I would be meeting with my first kid--so I was very glad I showed up early. Though a bit intimidating at first, I felt like the day went well, and that the staff liked me. At times it really seemed as though I was in my element, though still a bit nervous and uncertain about the way things usually work. Yay for doing jobs in the field I want to work in! I have a surprising number lined up already for the future, too. Hooray!
So, I was meaning to post weekly pictures of my belly, and have completely forgotten about it most weeks. So this is a picture of me at week 14. Though I feel giant, when I look at the picture, I don't feel like I'm doing too badly. I just don't like the whole weight gain part of pregnancy! When we went in for an appointment last week, we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat. Talk about exciting! There's a part of me that always worries that something's wrong (since I can't feel anything yet), so the confirmation of the heartbeat really set me at ease. It was interesting to see the way both Josh and I think as well--for example, he heard a train (the heartbeat), while I heard a washing machine! Interesting, huh? Considering that Josh loves trains, and I associate sounds of washing machines with comforting feelings (a childhood thing), the sounds we each heard made sense. We also have scheduled the ultrasound for June 1st, and, yes, we are going to find out if it is a boy or a girl!
Still don't have my car yet! Waiting, always waiting. Hopefully I will hear something this week and put pictures up!

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