Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Ahh, summer!

It never fails that I set out to achieve many things over a summer break, only to get to the end and realize that I have accomplished few or none of my goals. This year is only an exception in that I am realizing this fact a month earlier than usual. The books I have to read, the work I wanted to get done, the yard I wanted to plan, and the baby to get ready for, all have fallen by the wayside. Thus I have determined not to let this month pass with nothing to show for myself.
It seems that letting summer slip by is a bit easier to do here in Corvallis. With the beautiful weather (thought it seems hotter this year, as I am an oven myself), the concerts in the park, the innumerable outdoor activities planned with our small group, work and seriousness seem to fall by the wayside. Yesterday I planned to be good and work all afternoon, though I got a call from Josh's mom inviting me over to the pool. Guess which option I chose.
Gary and Christina came down for Da Vinci Days a couple of weeks ago--an annual festival here in Corvallis that it has killed me to miss the past four years. It's the time that Corvallis really celebrates its artistic side, a focus on science and technology blended with the arts. The picture of Josh above was while he was riding a bicycle-type machine that walked instead of driving wheels. The exhibit was machines that were the antithesis of efficiency, and quite entertaining. There was a chair that scooted itself back if you tried to sit in it, as well as several others. All in all, it was a lot of fun, and a great chance to show friends the wonderful area where we live.
Well, it's off to work! Keep checking my book site, as it should be changing into a really cool layout sometime soon!

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