Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Daddy's Present and My Website--coming soon!

Well, I may have mentioned it before, but having a girl brings out the soft side of Josh. He decided a couple of weeks ago that the crib we had inherited wasn't good enough for his little girl. Because of this we went on a spontaneous crib search, deciding to order one online. However, after a week of waiting, Babies R Us canceled our order, and we were back to square one. Then Josh found this beauty on Craigslist (our best friend) in Eugene. So we drove down to take a look. It was used by an obviously affluent family, very well taken care of, and right in our price range (new, this crib far exceeds anything we could afford). So, we loaded it up in our Fit (I love my car!), and now Daddy has is present for Iris.
It's odd, I've been noticing today that I am much less interested in taking jobs than I used to be. I am extremely picky about times, schools, and giving up my work days. For someone who always wanted to get out of the house as much as possible, this is a strange thing for me. I have a month left, and wouldn't mind staying home and working here for most of it. Is this normal? I'm hoping that it's the nesting phase, and that I'll be back to my go-see-do-be self a couple of months after the baby is born. After all, I'm planning to start classes again in January!
For those of you who check my website, the new one should be up sometime this week! As soon as Josh looks over some of my reviews, we're going live! It still isn't completely finished, and probably never will be =), but it looks great! In the future, I'm hoping to have a "favorite picture books" section (thanks to a friend's suggestion), but it isn't up quite yet. However, I have added LOTS of reviews, and, as I am now working on it full time, I average a new review every week day. So if you could spread the word, knowing people are looking definitely keeps me on my toes! I have a surprising amount of people watching right now, but we could always use more!

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