Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Waiting. . .

Aaahh! Fall here is so wonderful! I'm sure you're sick of hearing that from me, but after so long of having the seasons go directly from summer to winter, this is so refreshing! Watching football on the weekends (though not so enjoyable this last weekend! We played the most pathetic game!), seeing the leaves turn colors, sitting in a coffee shop sipping warm drinks while the rain falls, yes, it's good to be back in Oregon.
So enough of my droning on. This is my 9 month(!) picture, taken in our church's outdoor amphitheater. Yay for moving inside next week! Plus, Pastor Chuck Smith is flying up to open our new building! But, anyway, we've passed the nine month mark, and getting a bit antsy. All of those projects that I procrastinated on all summer are getting finished in one week (who says it's hard to work under pressure?), and I finally packed my hospital bag. We just have to do our best not to have her over the weekend, as my parents are in Tennessee. But after that, break out the Raspberry Leaf!
We passed by a sign today advertising the annual "Great Pumpkin Run". Normally, it would sound like fun, but right now. . .well, obviously not. So I was being funny and I said to Josh, "Hey, I think I should do that!" My wonderful, sensitive, supporting hubby responds with, "yeah, you could be the pumpkin!". Thanks Honey.
I'm afraid that this is turning into a bit of a ramble rather than actually talking about news, but oh well. My new website is up and running, for those of you who check it, and we're trying to spread the word. Also, I'm working on photo albums of flickr, so that when the baby arrives, everyone can see lots of pictures, not just the ones I happen to post. Not a whole lot of "new" going on, just in that hurry up and wait stage.

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