Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Summer Days

Summer is one of life's greatest paradoxes. It is a season when you have much more time at your disposal--no school (if your life is run by the school calendar), longer days, vacation time, etc. However, even with more "time" on our hands, we're always busy. Here in Corvallis we have flung ourselves whole-heartedly into summer and all of its joys. First we went on vacation--the biggest trip we've taken so far. Then, Josh bought me a new, gorgeous bike, which he surprised me with for our 6-year anniversary, along with a night at Eugene's nicest B&B, the Campbell House Inn. Ever since then, we've been biking all over Corvallis, enjoying events like Da Vinci Days, berry picking (Iris appreciates the fresh blueberries, as you can see above--and no, even though I don't like berries, I'm not depriving my child of them!), taking a waterbabies class, and working on our yard. So, it's been a busy summer, which is why you haven't heard from me that much. Also, keeping one step ahead of Iris is growing ever more difficult, as she is now crawling VERY quickly, and cruising around the furniture. She can even walk with her push walker--watch out world! If you would like to read my writing more often, please feel free to check out my Live Journal page, which is where I am concentrating on freewriting and getting back into writing fiction. Just have patience with me--it is primarily freewriting, which means it's unedited (other than spell check). But it feels good to stretch my wings again! I'm actually working on a long story idea, which feels very nice! Happy reading, and happy summer!

1 comment:

Lauri Morris said...

I absolutely love this picture of her!!